Summer Sale: Applied Acoustics Systems Plugins
It’s Summer and it’s hot outside. Many developer starts the Summer Sale period and one of these is Applied Acoustics Systems. The company is based in Canada and produced in the past and also now […]
It’s Summer and it’s hot outside. Many developer starts the Summer Sale period and one of these is Applied Acoustics Systems. The company is based in Canada and produced in the past and also now […]
Synth Patcher is happy to announced an increase in his Synthesizer T-Shirt collection and that they are now available to buy. Personally I have already some of the t-shirts as “beta” tester and I love […]
The wonderful VST Windows only plugins from Wolfgang Krumme are best known under the Windows Plugin users. Now Wolfgang Krumme has announced that all WOK VST Plugins are now available for download ass freeware and donationware. […]
Moebius Lab from the great developer Amazing Noises is now available. The app is developed in big collaboration with appSoft which is know for his granular Synthesizers or also from the brillant iVCS3 Synthesizer app. […]
In the past days and weeks, Markus from Tone2, the main developer behind the Synthesizers, released a bunch of official tutorial video showing you how to work with Icarus 3D Wavetable Synthesizer. Icarus is […]
Here is a bit strange marketing video from Propellerhead showing your all new sounds included in Reason 9. It’s not a studio video about they drive for near 10 hours on the road with a […]
This soundset sounds great in the few examples from the official video. It’s no surprise that this soundset sounds excellent because the sound design is made by Howard Scarr, the main sound design in the […]
I wrote in a early article, that you can grab currently a 50 USD voucher for plugins of Waves and announced also that Codex is available for just 29 USD with the voucher. I made […]
It’s summer and some plugin developer launched their summer sales. A very good deal, you can get now from Waves. Here you can some very good discounts on their currently available plugins and add an […]
Seismic Industries, a Swiss Eurorack Modular Company visited last weekend Vienna. For this opportunity, I produced with the developer a video about the sound quality of this Eurorack Modular System. Currently, it’s the thinnest Eurorack […]
Another Vocoder Synthesizer released for IOS. Vox Unit is a vocoder. You speak in the microphone, you play on the keyboard, and choir and vocal effects are produced. Vox Unit was optimized to create realistic choir […]
Big Surprise from the german developer VirSyn. Before the big Summer time, the developer released a new Synthesizer app “VoxSyn”. It looks very interesting to transform voices in Synthesizer sounds. Also the user interface is […]
Thorus is very interesting because it’s a very special chorus effect. If you are an UVI Falcon user, you know this effect because it’s already included in this Synthesizer Workstation. Now this effect from Falcon is […]
TimewARP 2600 Plugin is an excellent emulation of the ARP 2600. It has some difference in the sound of the Arturia ARP2600 V but both sounds great. Now you can get, the TimewARP 2600 with a 50% discount. Check my […]
I wrote a lot of news already in the past about new versions of the Wiggle Synthesizer. In the weeks, I will post frequently short videos about the highlights of this new dynamic Waveshaping Synthesizer. In […]
I wrote back in May, a big news about an upcoming new Synthesizer release of D16 Group. Now this plugin is officially released. Great GUI and the sound demos have a great quality. I’m pretty […]
Found on Facebook an very cool and interesting sounding Eurorack Modular Patch. The patch was made with the Make Noise Phonogene module which work like an old tape recorder.
If you really want a red analog mono Synthesizer than this special edition of the Arturia Minibrute and Microbrute are something for you. The sound of this series of Synthesizer is very unique and special […]
2nd Sense Audio has released version 1.1.2 of Wiggle Dynamic Waveshaping Synthesizer for Windows and Mac. The new version comes again with improvements and fixes. Good to see that a developer work so hard on […]
Very interesting and great deal currently on the DRC Polyphonic Synthesizer for IOS. Normally the in-app purchase cost 14 USD but now you receive it for 2 USD for very limited time. DRC is powerful […]