Error Instruments White Rabbit, a new experimental-flavored multi-fx module developed in collaboration with This Is Not Rocket Science.
Musicians can use effects, hardware, or software, in my ways. From simply improving sounds to transforming them into something new. Effects are also very popular in the Eurorack format, where you can put them in motion using CV connectivity.
With its new FX module, Error Instruments now shows that you can also develop more crazy, unusual effects than the classic plate, hall, etc.
Error Instruments White Rabbit
White Rabbit is a new experimental-flavored multi-fx for Eurorack featuring delay and reverb in a module. The module was developed in collaboration with This Is Not Rocket Science (TINRS). Two very creative development teams have found each other for a fabulous module development.
It features three different effects ranging from classic to completely insane. On the delay side, you get a standard, ping-pong, and error powered by Karplus-Strong synthesis. The reverb gives you hall, experimental cinematic shimmer, and error. Error Instrument describes the latter as sticking your head in a metal bucket. It offers granular and self-oscillation in an algorithm. Sounds on paper like a program from a mad sound scientist.
Then, each effect can be tweaked with two parameters X and Y. The controls range from time adjustments, feedback, depth, or also modulation. The third knob on the faceplate is a wet/dry mix control.
Connection side, it’s a stereo input and output module with two CV inputs allowing you to animate the X and Y parameters. In this way, you can take the effects in even wilder directions, even deep down into the rabbit hole of the effects
First Impression
White Rabbit is a lovely collaboration of two sympathetic developer companies from the Netherlands. It was to be expected that the algorithms would dive into the experimental, crazy worlds. Otherwise, there would not be an Error Instrument module.
Error Instruments White Rabbit is available now for 179€.
More information here: Error Instruments
It’s a fun module and not all that expensive comparatively speaking. Is it on par w what noise engineering is doing, probably not, but for less than 2 bills you can’t beat it. I love both parties involved here, and all things dutch are beautiful. Much love