Teenage Engineering is planning a new magic apparatus release for September 30th, it’s still a secret, we only know that it is designed for outdoors.
This time we have news from Sweden. Teenage Engineering is on the road with its Field Bus and working hard on a new product release. Yes, exactly, there will be a new TE product more precisely on the 30th of September 2020. According to TE, they have been working on the new “magic apparatus” for 6 years. What exactly it is, they don’t tell us in the first teaser, only that it is suitable for outdoors.
After the OP-Z, Pocket Operator Modular series, they released some very different products like the speakers & lamps in collaboration with IKEA, T-shirts, DDR-style headset, sweaters, etc. The new release will certainly not go in that direction, no new t-shirts, I’m sure of that. It will have something to do with music-making again. Since Teenage Engineering is known for innovative and well-designed, well-thought-out products, it will not be anything that is already available in masses on the market. I’ll go so far: no new groove box, drum machine or so.
Sound Design Outdoors?
In their first teaser, Teenage Engineering clearly states the new magic apparatus is great for outdoors. Based on this hint, it can only be something mobile, portable that works with an internal battery. Just speculation: imagine a kind of sampler or field recorder à la Teenage Engineering would be an exciting idea. Instead of just recording soundscapes with a built-in microphone, it has algorithms with which you can instantly transform the sounds using re-synthesis, granular, etc. Like a sound design tool on the go.
Such an idea already exists as an app for iOS. It is called Fieldscaper and is a field recorder app with which you can record sounds, and transform them on the go. This concept in a hardware device, with several tracks, built-in effects, and paired with the sequencer power of the OP-Z would certainly be very exciting. It’s only pure speculation from my side but this would suit TE.
We’ll see it on Sept 30th anyway, next Friday there will be the second hint.
Instagram Posting
Are you ready for some hocus pocus?
We are very proud and utterly excited to announce that we are about to release a new magic apparatus. it will hit our online store on the 30th of September and we are already piling up stock. so count on us that we are ready for “next day” worldwide delivery on the day of launch. to celebrate this moment we will drop a little piece of information every friday. starting today.
As we all missed each other during the long worldwide break, we took our special built teenage engineering field bus campers to inland Sweden for a special launch retreat. cooking delicious food together and planning the launch in the wilderness.
Our new (still secret) product started development almost six years ago. over the years we have perfected every little part of it. one thing we can reveal is that it is great for the outdoors. The new magic apparatus will hit our online store 30th of September. don’t sleep on it!
The new Teenage Engineering product will hit the TE online store 30th of September 2020. All details will follow soon.
More information here: Teenage Engineering
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