MyVolts, developers of the Ripchord cable, want to ban batteries from synthesizers, toys … with their ReVolt system that replaces them with USB power.
Synthesizers come in many sizes these days. Big, small, with a lot or just a few features. Portable synths such as the Pocket Operators, Craftsynth 2 / Skulpt from Modal Electronics, Korg Monotron, etc. are very popular these days. These are small, compact, and easy to take with you.
However, many are limited to battery operation, which can be annoying in the long run. Synthesizers like the Craftsynth 2 etc. have USB power which is much more convenient. Many do not have this, either to save costs or because they do not need it for example the Pocket Operators.
MyVolts, the developer of the Ripchord cable that makes many electronic music instruments mobile, has addressed this battery-only problem.
MyVolts ReVolt
ReVolt is a clever system that bans conventional batteries from battery-only instruments, toys (vintage Gameboy…), etc. The system uses the ReVolt Bridge cable that has two ends. One is battery-shaped and goes into the battery compartment of the device you want to power, while the other end has a power connector. Both are connected by a thin cable that is flat enough to allow you to easily close the door on the device’s battery compartment.
If the synth or other device needs a thicker battery, that’s no problem. The developers have developed adapters with which the actual ReVolt can be converted into other sizes. There is an adapter from AAA to AA, AA to C, and AAA to D. Thus, you can even upgrade large devices with USB via the ReVolt system.
We are now talking about a single ReVolt. However, if you have devices with 4, 6, 8 … battery slots, the dummies come into play. Here you have to fill every other space with “dummy batteries”. These are simple “hollow battery-shaped shells” with an internal electrical connection that complete the circuit.
Ripchord Cable
Finally, the Ripchord cable creates the connection between the ReVolt and the power bank. There are various cables available, each with a different output. One with 3V, 5V, or 6V. Be careful how much power the synthesizer and other devices require. If you want to power more devices at the same time, you can daisy chain the Ripchords. Here they all go to the same power bank. But that requires an adapter.
Hainbach did a lovely video about the MyVolts ReVolt
Definitely a clever product. Especially for those who like to use their small pocket synthesizers without changing batteries. And it’s not expensive either.
MyVolts ReVolt is available now for pre-order at Kickstarter starting at 29€ (regular 39€) with two kits including a 3V Ripcord, 1 AAA smart battery, 1 dummy battery, and 2x AAA to AA adapters. Shipping starts in July 2021.
More information here: MyVolts Kickstarter
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