Synthmaster Player, a great sounding Synthesizer plugin with 1800 presets with tweaking options is available now for free for a limited time.
It’s time for a free synth plugin. KV331 Audio has announced that its Synthmaster Player Synthesizer is available to download for free until October 31st, 2019. SM Player is a simplified version of its flagship Synthesizer Synthmaster with limited editing capabilities.
Each preset has 8 easy knobs and 2 XY pads assigned by the sound designer. With these, users can modify presets very easily. Synthmaster Player is targeted towards users who prefer to use presets rather than designing their own sounds.
A Lot Of Sounds
It comes with a massive factory library with 1800 presets. Users can edit the 12 easy parameters or the bypass states of layer/global effects assigned for each preset by the sound design
- 1,800 presets by a world-class team of sound designers.
- 8 easy knobs and 2 XY pads to modify the preset’s timbre.
- Scala tuning support, set either for each preset or globally by loading from a Scala tuning file.
- Comprehensive preset browser with separate search criteria for instrument type, preset attributes, music style or preset author.
- Different skins in color variations. The user interface editor of SynthMaster/SynthMaster DEMO can be used to customize the existing skins and create custom interfaces.
Synthmaster Player is available now for PC & Mac as a free download(VST/AU/AAX) until October 31st, 2019. Regular price $29 USD.
More information here: KV331 Audio
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