Synthorama is a privately run Synthesizer museum in Switzerland where visitors can discover and play with historical electronics instruments.
Museums have the goal to collect and preserve objects and materials of religious, cultural and historical value and to make it accessible to the general public. There are also museums about the history of our beloved synthesizers. One is in Switzerland in Luterbach, which is run privately by Martin Hollinger.
Here you will find an impressive collection of vintage synthesizers and drum machines from the last 40+ years. From legendary brands like Moog, PPG, Korg, Roland, and many iconic small boutique manufacturers. One of the highlights that makes the Synthorama Synthesizer museum so special is that you can not take a look at the collection but also play them. All you need is your own headphones and off you go

The German musician Thorsten Abel recently visited the Synthorama in Switzerland. He recorded a virtual tour video and published it on his YouTube channel. Don’t miss this video because the collection is super impressive.
Torsten Abel Says:
In March 2022, I visited the Swiss Synthesizer museum “Synthorama” in Luterbach. I had a very nice chat with the owner Martin Hollinger and he gave me his kind permission to film this round trip. Most of the instruments are fully working and in a good shape. Visitors have the ability to play with all that gear.
Only an own headphone is needed for the headphone amplifiers under the tables. If you are planning to visit the Switzerland, make a stop in Luterbach and support Martin Hollinger with a visit. Opening hours are regulary the first Saturday a month 10am – 6pm, but if you contact Martin you can ask him for a private tour.
More information here: Luterbach
impressive. too bad it’s so far away. that would typically be a museum you go for a full day plungeing into one or two synths at a time. but chairs would be a necessity 🙂