German artist Roosevelt shows his love for synthesizers in his new music video “Sign” by designing his own modular synth.
As you have probably noticed here, I cover almost no synth related music on Synth Anatomy. There are simple reasons for this: as a one-man show I cannot write about everything and if I did this I would be flooded with “coverage” inquiries. So there are sometimes music posts that I find relevant. The German synth-pop artist Roosevelt has released something that I can’t avoid to inform you about it.
In his new music video sign, no real person plays the main role but an instrument, more precisely a modular Synthesizer. For this, however, no vintage Synthesizer (Moog Modular, Minimoog…) was used and carelessly filmed. Roosevelt presents it much more sympathetically and lovingly. For the video, he or his video team has created a new “virtual” Synthesizer, that does not exist. Here, someone confesses to their favorite instrument in a beautiful way.
The “Roosevelt” Synthesizer is not a clone, that’s for sure. But it has some interface elements that are reminiscent of certain old synthesizers. For example, the white front plate and the colored knobs have an EMS VCS3 look, the white/black keyboards look a bit like a vintage organ.
Ah yes, there is also music. Roosevelt is a synth-pop musician, and of course, his new song Sign also has a lot of synthesizer sounds. A nice-produced track in my opinion that has already been well received by viewers. I really like the video idea and in my opinion, it worked. Something different with which Roosevelt also emerges as a synthesizer fan at the same moment. Come to the dark side!
More information here: Roosevelt
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