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Sound Guru released a very interesting new Synthesizer Tangle FM Modular Synthesizer for an very affordable price. It’s actually in alpha version but this the reason why the price is currently so low. What is pretty amazing that it’s an FM Synthesizer and not a standard virtual anlog Synthesizer emulation.
Tangle – Modular FM Synth – You don’t usually see the words “simple” and “modular synth” in the same sentence. But that’s what Tangle aims to be. Just 12 components, and a canvas to put them on. Hook them up to explore with new combinations and cross-pollinations of FM, AM, subtractive, and comb delay synthesis. Tangle is in early access beta, and has a reduced price. Beta buyers will receive free updates including all 1.x releases. Contribute to development and influence new features!
On the canvas, minature components represent elements in your sound. They show information about the object’s settings, and quick controls for important parameters. Selecting one or more objects brings up a detailed panel for each object, which exposes the full controls.
Components are built for simplicity and flexibility. For example, each oscillator has an internal ADSR envelope to reduce clutter on the graph. But if you want, you can turn it off and plug in a multi-stage envelope instead. Another example is a delay component which can be used both in a regular way and as comb filter for Karplus string synthesis.
Oscillator blend between several waveforms, use as audio or LFO
Filter choose from zero-delay, warm 24db, or 12db SVF types.
Noise includes unusual types like crackle, hiss & pink.Envelopeinfinite curve and step stages, loops, modulatable times.
Sequencer modulatable ‘Cartesian’ style inspired by MakeNoise.
Macro knob and XY Pad for control and DAW automation.
Quantise for restricting control signal values
MixPan with several algorithm for unusual mix & pan modulations
Delay in seconds, beats or hertz, with modulatable time & cutoff
Expression capture velocity, aftertouch etc.
Scope view signal from any component on the canvas.
More Informations here:
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