Frequency Central Florian, Roland & ARP inspired analog synth voice for Eurorack

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Frequency Central Florian is a new Roland SH-2 and ARP Odyssey-inspired analog Synthesizer voice for Eurorack. 

The easiest way to get started in the Eurorack world is with a synth voice that combines all the basics in one module. Frequency Central from England has some great synth voices in its portfolio with DIY options and is expanding this with another called Florian.

Frequency Central Florian is an analog synth voice inspired by Roland and ARP synthesizers of yesteryear. The name is not bad gear but is a tribute to Florian Schneider-Esleben, who passed the same week they conceptualised this module.

Frequency Central Florian

Frequency Central Florian

Florian is a 42HP analog synth voice with two discrete XVCOs based on the Roland 100M design. Each oscillator has various waveforms (saw, triangle, pulse) and controls, including octave, fine-tuning, sync option, and pulse width.

A sub-oscillator with -1 octave square, -2 octave square, and -2 octave pulse options adds extra bottom to the sound. In addition to the sync and PWM options, you can also infuse additional harmonics with a built-in digital ring modulator, which takes VCO 1 and VCO 2 as its X and Y input.

Then, it has a mixer for each waveform + sub, and from here, the signal goes into a voltage-controlled filter inspired by the Roland 700 multimode filter. It offers switchable lowpass, bandpass, and highpass responses with cutoff and resonance controls. Neat, you can also track the resonance with 1v/oct.

On the right side, Florian has a traditional ADSR envelope based around the AS3310 chip with normal and inverted outputs as well as a level CV. There is one more envelope. It’s an AR generator with a looping option inspired by the ARP Odyssey. 

The same synth also influences the built-in VCA, which offers three dedicated operation modes: ADSR, gate, and drone.

Further, Frequency Central added two LFOs to Florian, one triangle and another with multiple waveforms (saw, triangle, ramp). The latter also has a sync option.

On the richly populated 42HP front panel, you can find plenty of audio inputs and outputs, plus CV control.

First Impression

At first glance, it is a solid synth voice that combines elements from various synths. Its features are suitable for both beginners and advanced users. At 42HP, it isn’t too big, especially considering its feature set. In the first demo, Forian sounds very lovely.

Frequency Central Florian availability and price are TBA.

More information here: Frequency Central 

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