Behringer Steps, a $119 clone of the Mutable Instruments Stages

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Behringer Steps is a clone/replica of the open-source Mutable Instruments Stages segment-based function generator module for Eurorack.

For several years now, Behringer has been making clones of the very popular Mutable Instruments modules. It all started with the Brains, a clone of the best-selling classic Plaits macro oscillator. The portfolio now includes six clones of open-source designs from the legendary French developer.

Today, it’s time for number 7 on the list. Behringer has released Steps, another Mutable Instruments classic. 

Behringer Steps

Behringer Steps

Steps is a clone/replica of the open-source Mutable Instruments Stages module from 2018. It offers an identical 14HP design and workflow but with a different faceplate look.

Like the original module, Behringer Steps uses a segment concept with three different segment types: ramp, hold, and step. It has six segments, each with a processing duration from 1 ms to 16s, that can be combined as desired.

Each segment has a dedicated potentiometer and a fader for editing. Push buttons allow the selection of different operation modes.

Behringer Steps is a multi-function module that can be an ultra-flexible 6-stage envelope, an ADSR envelope, a multi-LFO (0V – +8V), a combination of both, or a CV sequencer.

You get different functions and results depending on how you patch the segments. For example, you can generate two envelopes with the modules by splitting them into two sections. The ADSR envelopes take four segments, while the AD envelope takes the remaining two.

The built-in CV inputs in the Behringer Steps are the same. Segments are controlled using gate or trigger paths. The module automatically detects where a cable is plugged in. A very powerful modulator but one that you have to get used to first, as it is not an ordinary one. 

First Impression

Behringer is slowly getting there with its Mutable Instruments clones. This is number 7. Big classics like Clouds or Rings are still missing. I’m curious when they will be available with the Behringer faceplate at a bargain price.

Behringer Steps is priced at $119 and ready for shipping from the factory. Its availability at retailers is TBA.

More information here: Behringer 

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