Patching Panda Particles is a new advanced 4-channel trigger modulation module with deep customization options.
But wrong; it’s a new modulator for trigger signals. Particles is a very flexible and versatile 4-channel trigger modulator, already announced at Superbooth 22.
Patching Panda Particles Press Release
Particles, has four channels of trigger modulation, capable of mathematically variating and manipulating your patterns with a combination of features to play with. It can evolve your rhythmic idea into more complex and groovy patterns, which are difficult to achieve without music knowledge.
You can create your algorithms from the rhythmic tools provided to be able to change the patterns instantaneously in many ways without worrying to sacrifice the original idea.
You can shift and scramble the outputs, you can repeat the triggers with different time signatures to transform the grooves, mute in different ways, disappear by probability trigger inputs, disappear by probability repetitions, use sequential switching to shift randomly with a different kind of resetting, bypass each channel and set it individually the amount of each feature per channel when feeding external CV.
- 4 trigger inputs/outs.
- Repetitions with different distribution time to choose from.
- Manually shift the output channels, scramble them randomly or clocked them in foward mode.
- Reset the ouputs to 4 different shift modes.
- Disappear repetitions by probability per channel.
- Disappear the input trigger by probability per channel.
- Mute each channel with clock divisions from input clock.
- Mute manually the outputs
- Disable triplets from repetitions to have musical patterns
- Random volatges output clocked from clock input.
- The slider keeps the adjusted value from each feature.
First Impression
Particles seem to me to be a fascinating module to modulate trigger signals. I think people who deal with a lot of rhythmic elements in their system should take a closer look.
Patching Panda Particles will be available soon from retailers—price TBA.
More information here: Patching Panda
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