Behringer synth prices rise in the US due to the tariffs

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Behringer synth prices in the US have recently risen significantly due to the new US tariffs on Chinese products.

There’s more news on the Behringer synth price front. There have been constant price reductions for Behringer synths in Europe in recent months, with price differences of up to 50%. 

However, the price trend is rising in the US. Following the new US tariffs on products from China, retailers have significantly increased US prices for Behringer synthesizers. 

Behringer synth prices US

Behringer Synth Prices Raise

The days of super-cheap Behringer synths in the US are probably history. This change can be seen in the recent Behringer MS-1 mk2 gray release. The US MAP price is $329, while the MSRP global price is $259.

Another example is the new Behringer 676 preamp. Its US Map MSRP is $619, while the global MSRP is $469. That’s 31.98% more in the US than in Europe or the UK.

The new higher prices can also be observed at their super partner Sweetwater. The most prominent US price jump is the Behringer UB-Xa, which was $999 and now is $1299. That’s a 30% increase. Other increases:

  • UB-Xa desktop: $799 → $949 (+ 19%) 
  • Wave: $599 → $689 (+15%)
  • System 55 Eurorack system: $1599 → $1899 (+19%) 
  • Swing MIDI controller: $99 →  $169 (+71%) 
  • Pro VS vector synth: $99 → $119 (+20%) 
  • Pro 800 Synthesizer: $339 → $379 (+12%) 
  • Model D: $229 → $249 (+ 8%) 
  • 2600:  $419 → $469 (+ 12%) 
  • Poly D: $569 → $629 (+ 11%) 
  • Model 15: $279 → $319 (+14%)
  • Neutron: $399 → $489 (+23%)
  • Odyssey: $599 → $659 (+10%

It remains to be seen what impact these tariffs will have on synthesizer and music gear prices in the US. In my estimation, many things will become more expensive, and this is just a taste of what’s coming.

If you compare the prices with those currently in Europe or the UK, there are significant differences. A UB-Xa costs 899€ in Europe and $1,299 in the US.

I suspect many will try to import their synths from Europe in the future. Let’s wait and see, maybe there will be tariffs on that as well.