ST-Modular Matrico is a new DIY creative 3×3 bipolar matrix mixer with a built-in sum out and AP is a handy 1U signal swap/switch module.
Developing and producing modules are two different things. One requires circuit talent and one requires business manpower and know-how. Stefan Tretau better known as ST-Modular has specialized in designing new modules from scratch. Which you can solder yourself as a DIY project.
A pity for Eurorack users who only make music. Because there are a lot of exciting modules. The latest modules are a creative matrix mixer and a new 1U utility.
ST-Modular Matrico
Matrico is a 10HP 3×3 bipolar creative matrix mixer with a built-in sum out functionality. It allows you to process audio as well as CV signals.
There are three inputs (I, II, III) that can be routed to any of three outputs (A,B,C). Each connection between I-III and A-B has a separate potentiometer that is an attenuator/attenuverter. Then, for each output, you can decide whether the signal should have unipolar or bipolar processing.
The module has LEDs that give you visual feedback on whether the signal is positive or negative at the respective input. They only show input signals, as it is so much easier to identify a signal to be mixed with other signals. Plus, you get a sum output with LEDs that provides a mix of all outputs.
ST-Modular CV Gate Swap & Switch
The second new ST-Modular DIY module release is a 1U CV gate utility module. It is called CV Gate Swap & Switch and can be used to switch signals on and off or swap them between two destinations.
When a gate signal is applied to the GATE input IN B is connected to OUT A and IN A is connected to OUT B. When the gate signal is low, IN A goes to OUT A and IN B is connected to OUT B. You can also switch the signal manually using the latching switch in the middle of the module.
If nothing is connected to IN A, +5V are provided at the active output socket.
This way you can use AP as a manual gate or as an alternating gate trigger for two targets.
Two beautiful modules. But as always with the module releases from Stefan Tretau aka ST-Modular, they are not finished products. These are DIY projects for which you need more soldering experience and time to collect the parts.
More information here: ST-Modular
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