8knobs is a pocket-sized ambient drone Synthesizer & MIDI controller that encourages learning synthesis, electronics, and computer music experiments.
At first glance, the device is very limited in sound and focuses on drones and textures. However, it is open-source and is based on an Arduino core and therefore fully expendable. Exactly this is the aim of this product. The young Indian manufacturer Sound Codes wants to give musicians with its 8knobs Synthesizer a starting point in their experimental electronic music adventure.
Besides the drone engine, it can also be used as a MIDI controller as a plug-n-play USB device with no drivers or convertors required. It has 1 audio out, MIDI over USB, or MIDI over 3.5mm to connect to other traditional synths. There are three ways to power it, either via USB, DC 9-12v wall adaptor, or via a 9v battery.
This could be an interesting, inexpensive tool for all musicians who want to code their own little sound machines. 8knobs is also a pretty nice cheap drone Synthesizer with a hands-on interface.
DIY Option
8knobs is available as an assembled version or for everyone who enjoys soldering also as a DIY version. The 8knobs DIY kit consists of a PCB, an Arduino Atmega 32u4, header pins, potentiometers, all the necessary electronic components, mounting hardware, a laser cut wood veneer body and a case made of hand-stitched jute with raw unbleached cotton.
Eurorack Module Version
One more thing. Sound Codes also ported its small, cute drone Synthesizer/MIDI controller to the Eurorack standard as a skiff friendly 4HP module. Same power and features only in a module. This is also available as a DIY project for soldering
While building 8knobs you’ll learn everything from the basics like soldering to the fundamentals of sound synthesis, electronics, and computer codes by understanding, engineering and experimenting with signal flow. Learn the art of signal flow by building your own custom synthesizer and controller for more experiments!
8knobs is available now on Indiegogo for 52€ (limited edition, assembled), 36€ (DIY kit /Eurorack DIY kit), and 57€ (assembled Eurorack module). Shipping starts in April.
More information here: Sound Codes
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