TC-Helicon launches Vidial Audio/Vdeo App for iOS

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TC-Hellicon just launched today Vidial,  a free, special app for audio and video recording for IOS. I don’t test it yet but if TC-Helicon worked also on the audio engine of this app than the audio recordings can sound better than in other apps.

Available for free here:

Inspired by the wealth of DIY musicians sharing their craft online through services like YouTube and Instagram, VIDIAL gives musicians the tools needed for creating great music videos, in both sight and sound, anytime, anywhere. Music today is all about video. Using your mobile device, quickly record a video, add cool audio and video filters, then share in minutes to places that are important to you.
With little to no technical ability we are able to capture video needing only our mobile device. With VIDIAL, you have all of the audio and video enhancement tools you need to easily produce more creative and visually compelling videos to look and sound better.
Vidial features
  • Gesture controlled effects.
  • Professional presets.
  • Easy simple trimming.
  • Seamlessly import and export video.
  • Live capture.
  • Built-in music video playlists.
  • Perform mode.
Vidial is a free download at the iTunes App Store.

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