KV331 Audio, the developer behind the different Synthesizer Plugins, announced a big update 2.8 for the full version of Synthmaster
Here are the new features and fixes:
4 new types of filters based on zero delay feedback (ZDF) topology
The developer say here: We haven’t try to model the filters exactly yet ! (Let’s save that for another product or update)
Ladder (Moog type) filter with 2 pole / 4 pole LP/HP/BP/BS variations)
Diode Ladder (TB 303 type) 4 pole LP filter
State variable (SEM type) filter, 2 pole LP/HP/BP/BS / Multimode filter
Bite (Korg MS20 type) filter 2 pole LP, 1 pole HP
All the new filters have a “Acid” switch: When it’s turned on, the resonance is coupled to the filter cutoff (so that the resonance lowers at low cutoffs and it gets higher at high cutoffs)
Arpeggiator / Sequencer
A new drum kit mode for the arpeggiator (possible to write drum patterns)
A new step recording through MIDI capability to the arpeggiator
We added a new “Analog” mode for the ADSR envelopes. In this mode, the envelope behaves like an analog envelope (for instance if it’s in sustain stage and you increase/decrease the sustain amount, the level doesn’t increase suddenly, as it is in an analog envelope). The envelope timings and sustain levels are measured from an analog monosynth. In this mode, the attack/decay/release times are between 1 millisecond – 10 seconds. (the lowest value was 3 milliseconds previously for the digital envelopes, so it was taking at least 6 milliseconds to reach the sustain stage)
We added a new “OneShot” switch for the ADSR envelopes. When it is turned on, the envelope skips the sustain stage and enters into the release stage when decay stage completes.
Engine Quality Settings / Multichannel Polyphonic Expression Support
For the VST version of SynthMaster, it is now possible to specify different engine quality settings for real-time mode and render mode. The VST host notifies the plugin about mode changes so we decided to take advantage of this information. Added smoothing for automated parameters: When automating any continuous parameter in SynthMaster, the parameter will not abruptly change its value to the new automated value. The “smoothing” time is specified under the settings tab:
Added support for “Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression”, so SynthMaster supports multichannel MIDI now! Each note SynthMaster receives can have its own MIDI channel and hence it has its separate pitch bend/after touch/CC values! We’ve tested this feature extensively with ROLI’s new Seaboard Rise keyboard!
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ROLI Keyboards |
Added a new global setting “Map CC74 to CC1” to make SynthMaster fully compatible with ROLI: ROLI sends CC74 for up down movement of each key, so by turning this setting on, we convert CC74 to CC1 (mod wheel) so our existing factory presets which have CC1 assigned already can take advantage of this per note modulation.
Added a new global setting “Arp Lock to Beat”, which allows the arpeggiator/sequencer to align start positions of steps to beats. This feature is especially important in a live environment since the arpeggiator/sequencer should not start immediately when user presses a key.
Implemented some serious workflow improvements for the modulation matrix. Drag and drop modulation assignments are possible now: Try clicking on a modulation source and then drag it onto a knob. The modulation matrix entry will be created automatically.
Also, when you click on a modulation source like ADSR 1, ADSR 2, etc. the parameters modulated by that source will have a ring around them showing the modulation range by that source, and the mod matrix will be filtered so it only shows slots for that source.
The modulation sources tab has been redesigned: It uses color coding to distinguish between sources that have modulation targets and sources that don’t have any targets assigned yet. The sources that have modulation targets are displayed first so their parameters can be easily accessed. Arrows or mouse wheel can be used to scroll between tab pages:
Added Via Source and Modulation Curve for each mod matrix slot. The Via Source lets us modulate (multiply) the modulation source by another modulation source before the modulation is applied. The entire equation for a modulation slot is:
Parameter = Parameter + Modulation Amount X Modulation Curve (Via X Source)
LFOs Added a new mode called “Dual” for the LFOs. In this mode, two separate waveforms can be mixed to create a more complex LFO waveform, so in a way it’s similar to 2 waveform wavetable oscillator. Sample Hold and Bit Depth parameters are also available in this mode
Prior to version 2.8, there were 3 separate tabs to display Layer insert effects. We reduced that to one tab. Reordering effects is also possible now by clicking on an insert effect and dragging it onto another one:
Added new displays for Phaser, Chorus, LoFi and Compressor effects:
Standalone Version
On Windows, we added the Standalone version of SynthMaster / SynthMaster Player. Many users have been requesting this
New Popup Menu
Users have been having a real hard time switching between skins, so we added a new global popup menu to simplify some common tasks like:
– Checking for updates, user user manuel and FAQ
– Contacting us, changing global skin, global scale and global tune
New Download Process
Prior to version 2.8, we were generating the license key file on the fly on our server and then putting it in the zip file whenever a user downloaded SynthMaster. This dynamic zip file generation caused a lot of server performance issues, especially whenever we released a new update. Therefore, we decided to change the process as follows:
User downloads SynthMaster setup from our server, no dynamic license key file/zip file generation takes place on the server.
When users install SynthMaster and runs it the following dialog is displayed if license key file is missing or contains invalid/older values:
More Informations about Synthmaster, you can find here:
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