Tracktion released before Christmas BioTek Synthesizer, an Organic Synthesizer.
BioTek is based on FM and Sample Synthesis. BioTek comes with high quality sample content. The big synthesis works behind the scenes and is not available for the public. This behind scene is the concept of the Synthesizer and allows also people which are not perfect in Synthesizer knowledge how to adjust parameters, to great radically and easy new sounds.
Here is my Overview and Some sounds video about BioTek Synthesizer
Here is my More Sounds and conclusion Video about BioTek Synthesizer
My conclusion of BioTek is:
+ Great Sounds
+ Easy to use of all level of musician
+ Easy to transform sound in something completely new or complete wired
+ High Quality Samples
– Price (can be discussed – Full Synth vs BioTek or Sample Library (UVI…) vs BioTek)
– Maybe to limited for experts, sound designers and Synthesizer Knob Lovers
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