Sonic Seed TouchFlower 3.0, touch Synthesizer with dynamic waveform control

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Sonic Seed TouchFlower 3.0 is a new touch Synthesizer module/standalone unit that lets you dynamically control waveforms with your fingers.

Many synthesizers come from China. It’s not only a vast synth production country but also the home of small independent developers. One is Sonic Seed, which released Seofon, a wild, experimental, patchable noise Synthesizer last year.

A new project from Sonic Seed is called TouchFlower 3.0 and is a compact touch synth. 

Sonic Seed TouchFlower 3.0

Sonic Seed TouchFlower 3.0

TouchFlower 3.0 is a new touch-sensitve Synthesizer. It’s both a standalone instrument and a 20HP Eurorack module, so it can be incorporated into any existing modular setup. 

Unlike classic synthesizers, Sonic Seed TouchFlower 3.0 doesn’t use an envelope generator to shape the sound. It does that through touch. Depending on how you press the pads, you get quieter, louder, shorter, or longer sounds.

It has four touch-sensitive pads corresponding to the root note, 3rd, 5th, and 7th of the selected chord. Sonic Seed states these values are randomized within three octaves and a perfect fifth, allowing for fluid and evolving harmonic textures.

Both the root note and the chord can be customized. Various chord types are available, including three major triads, three minor triads, seven major 7th chords, and more.

Sonic Seed TouchFlower 3.0

Waveform Touch Control

Then, the built-in oscillators and distinct OSC combinations are the sound generators in this new touch Synthesizer.

Sonic Seed TouchFlower 3.0 features various waveforms: square, sine, sawtooth, sine wave with FM noise, noise, and three combinations: mixed waveform, square wave-based operator, and sawtooth wave-based operator called Waterpiano sound.

The default mode starts in the waveform selection menu, where users can cycle through different waveforms. Alongside the waveform selection, you can also toggle on/off an FM vibrato using the button system. Once the waveform is selected, you can play it expressively on four pads. 

It can be powered in three ways: a classic power supply, a Eurorack power connector for modular use, or via USB-C. However, the developer does not recommend USB-C as it may cause audio interference. A little downer in standalone mode with the main power connector, it outputs only on the left channel.

First Impression

To me, it’s a very simple, intriguing touch Synthesizer.  I can imagine that using it as a module in a compact modular system with a filter and effects can be much more fun than using it standalone. People who like to make noise with small, portable synths might take a look. 

Sonic Seed TouchFlower 3.0 is available now for 174,95€

More information here: Sonic Seed

Hardware Synthesizer News

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