DIY-MMS MARS-Gemini, expanded Minimoog clone from the MS2600NG developer

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DIY-MMS MARS-Gemini is a new project from the MS2600NG developer that brings the Minimoog back in an expanded version. 

The Moog Minimoog is a legendary analog Synthesizer that has been cloned/emulated countless times in hardware and software. A new project by DIY-MMS shows that interest in and fascination with this classic are not waning.

As a reminder: Matthias Beese, aka DIY-MMS, is the developer of the lovely MS2600NG, an expanded DIY version of the ARP 2600 with a dual-8bit wavetable oscillator, multimode filter, built-in sequencer, second VCA, and more. 


Minimoog D Core But More

Matthias is now following the same path with his new Minimoog project. It will not be a 1:1 clone of the original but a DIY replica with an expanded feature set. The project is in full development and is currently at 50%. The developer plans to have a prototype ready for Christmas.

The main structure of the MARS-Gemini is based on the Moog Minimoog Model D, making it 100% compatible with the original: three oscillators, a mixer with feedback, a filter, two envelopes, and more. 

This is also intended to serve as a basic framework; everything that comes now is new for the Model D. 



First, Matthias wants to overhaul and expand the original oscillators by making them more stable and giving them a wider frequency range. Oscillators 1 and 2 will also have PWM and sync, while oscillator 3 will have keyboard sync. A good extension to make it more versatile and flexible.

The mixer with built-in feedback will probably remain unchanged. However, the filter will be upgraded. Instead of the classic 24dB ladder filter, you can choose between a 12dB and 24dB version of it.

Then, he plans to add reverb and saturation to the main output to give the sounds more character and life. Also, the modulation section will get a makeover with more modulation options for the oscillators, filter, and VCA. 

According to DIY-MMS, the MARS-Gemini will feature a second multi-wave LFO with fade-in and out functionality. In addition, the filter ADSR envelope will offer an inverted functionality. 

Unlike the original, the MARS-Gemini will be a duophonic synth with an integrated arpeggiator and full MIDI in/out support. There will also be a keyboard with velocity and aftertouch, plus an improved pitch-bend with a new central “dead zone” and adjustable control range.

Matthias also tweaks its Mini clone on the I/O side. It will feature buffered inputs and symmetrical XLR outputs, as well as expanded pedal inputs (hold, decay, glide). Lastly, it will come with an external power supply 

At the moment, you can’t hear the MARS-Gemini, as it’s full in development. But here is a jam with the mighty MS2600NG from the musician Torsten Abel.

First Impression

Another excellent DIY project from Matthias Beese. I’m very excited to see how this will look and sound at the end. The MS2600NG is a fabulous DIY ARP 2600 clone with many extra features you won’t find in any other. Stay tuned for more details in the future.

More information here: DIY-MMS

DIY News

Hardware Synthesizer News

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