Vermona introduced today two new eurorack modules: uniCYCLE is a new oscillator with six waveforms, hard & soft sync as well as exponential and linear FM. QuadroPOL is a new very versatile polarizer that can be used as attenuator,inverter, mixer, VCA and more.
uniCYCLE and quadroPOL extend our current eurorack product range. The first one is a classic oscillator whereas the latter is a voltage controlled polarizer. Both modules come with elegant VERMONA black and have a width of 10 HP.
uniCYCLE offers six waveform outputs. Beside the classic sawtooth, triangleand square it generates sine, even and a special sawtooth with doubled frequency. PWM is not only available for square. Even – a shape the only has even-numbered harmonics – can be transformed to a sine-like wave whereas the doubled saw turns into half-pitched triangles.
With one knob you can master uniCYCLE’s frequencies in three different modes. TUNE either controls the low-frequency or audio range or adds respectively subtracts, exactly one octave. In this calibrated mode it provides a dead-zone around its center-position. Thus it’s easy to access all three octaves without the need of a center-click. With only 10 HP in width, uniCYCLE offers all the common features that you might expect: inputs for hard- and soft-sync as well as exponential and linear frequency modulation.
The oscillator is designed for generating all kinds of synthetic sounds: bass- and lead voices as well as percussions. quadroPOL – the missing link
quadroPOL is a four-channel polarizer module. It can attenuate any incoming signal, in-phase or out of phase. One of its most special features is the way each channel’s level control works. Instead of having one dedicated zero-point, it has a “dead zone” where the input signal will be completely suppressed. Thus, you will easily find the off-position, even without a center-click, while, at the same time you’ll be able to create extremely sensitive level increasings.
Further features are:
- A channel’s output signal will optionally be forwarded to the next one, which allows the use of quadroPOL as a mixer-module. This way you can sum up to four signals.
- The module can be controlled via control voltages. Beside manually setting the level you can use each channel as VCA. You never can have enough VCAs in a modular system, can you?
- quadroPOL’s circuits work with a four-quadrant-multiplier. This means the module is a ringmodulator without compromises – sorry – four ringmodulators.
Both 10 HP modules are now available.
More informations here: Vermona
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