The movie Creep Box turns the Korg volca FM into groundbreaking life after death technology

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In the movie Creep Box, a scientist uses groundbreaking technology, a Korg volca FM, to determine whether there is life after death.

We use synthesizers every day in our studios to make music. Bass, leads, pads, crazy special effects, yes, synthesizers cover a broad sound pallette. A nice side effect of owning synths is the visual aspect. Many synths have tons of lights and knobs that turn studios into a pseudo spaceships.

Musicians and filmmakers love this look. So, many synthesizers and electronic music gear have been converted into props. For example, Jodie Foster used the Eventide Ultra-Harmonizer DSP4000 in the film Contact to track down aliens. You can see the Oberheim DX drum machine as a control unit in Star Trek VI.

Creep Box

Or Tom Hiddleston sits in front of a Korg Volca Keys in Loki. And filmmakers’ fascination with synths continues.

Korg volca FM Creep Box

In the 2023 Creep Box movie, a scientist uses groundbreaking technologies to determine if there is life after death. One of these devices is a 150€ portable Synthesizer, the Korg Volca FM. It was unknown that six operators could track life after death.

The Creep Box film team modified the Korg Volca FM for the props and added a cryptic interface on the bottom. However, they forgot to change the red screen where it says Volca FM. This scene can be found at 5:12 of 1:35:28.

Creep Box Korg volca fm

Creep Box Korg Volca FM

It’s always funny to see where synthesizers are used as props.  Dear filmmakers, keep it up so I can continue to report on it. 

More information here: IMDb

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  1. she is also using an Eventide Ultra-Harmonizer on the rack there.

    still a big fan of silver painted cylindrical concrete forms on lost in space in the green sequined bowler hat alien dens. and the salt and pepper shakers Dr McCoy used to diagnose folks with.

    props are often better than the real thing.

    • In the SyFy show Dark Matter, the main ship Raza has one of the Ableton pad controllers (like a Launchpad) as the engine throttle control.

  2. In Germany we had an ancient TV show (1966) called „Raumpatrouille Orion“ where some kitchen utils where used for the control panel of the space craft. For example a flat iron 😀.

  3. Looks like she’s got two ADAT recorders under the Eventide. If I recall the movie correctly all the channels woob in sync so heaven only knows why she needs 16 tracks of audio.

  4. I wish I could remember the film which features the Mackie Big Knob. I have used one everyday for the last fifteen years, so to see it taking pride of place on some intergalactic control console made me whoop for joy.

  5. Anyone catch the Volca Keys in Loki Season 1?
    It’s early on, in ep 1 or 2 when he’s being processed by the TVA. It’s on someone’s desk. Honestly it fits the aesthetics well.

  6. Haha thought I was the only one that noticed while watching Creep Box. Great film by the way. Check it out!

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