Full Bucket Music Paralogy, free Synthesizer plugin emulates the Crumar Trilogy and Stratus

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Full Bucket Music Paralogy is a new free Synthesizer plugin that emulates the vintage Italian Crumar Trilogy and Stratus from the 1980s.

Full Bucket Music is one of the most popular developers in the plugin world. Over the years, this reputation has been gained through the countless high-quality free synth and effect plugins the developer has given the music production community.  

Björn said goodbye to 2024 with two releases: a bizarre, broken Minimoog emulation and the Ragnarök 2.0 update. He is back and starts in the new year with another Crumar emulation. After the Crumar BIT 01/99, Full Bucket Music has just released the Paralogy plugin. 

Full Bucket Music Paralogy

Full Bucket Music Paralogy

Paralogy is a new free Synthesizer plugin that emulates the Italian Crumar Trilogy and Stratus hardware paraphonic synths from the early 1980s. 

The Crumar Trilogy Orchestra features three distinct sections: synth, string, and organ. They are combined into one instrument to make up a six-voice analog hybrid synth. The string and organ sections offer a simple engine, while the other gives you the entire synth engine.

Two VCOs with sawtooth and square waveforms form the foundation of the synth engine. Its unique feature is that the waveforms can be switched by pressing and releasing a key. The Trilogy also has a 2-pole and 4-pole 24dB lowpass filter with cutoff and resonance controls.

Then, it hosts an LFO with triangle, saw and mix waveforms, a ramp, and an ADSR envelope generator. Crumar also developed a slimmed-down version of the Trilogy called Stratus, which lacks the string and memory section of the big brother.

The new Full Bucket Music Paralogy emulates these original feature sets using a native CC++ written code. Additionally, you can work with advanced phaser and delay effects. 

As usual, it has a user-resizable interface and full MIDI support, including MIDI CC learn for the parameters. Full Bucket Music ships the Paralogy plugin with a wide range of factory presets to get it started. 

First Impression

Another excellent free synth plugin from Full Bucket Music. In the linked demo, the plugin sounds very lovely and takes you straight back to vintage synth days.

Full Bucket Music Paralogy is a free download and runs as a VST2, VST3, AU, CLAP, and AAX plugin on macOS (native Apple Silicon + Intel) and Windows.

More information here: Full Bucket Music 

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    • You speak with a certain assertiveness , so there is something to you that defines it as a plug in when listening to it. Can you elaborate what gives it away, in a manner we can hear it too?

  1. Bjorn pours in great effort to make these plugins, yet they rarely if ever sound good. They are a labour of love with not much yield.

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