ochd is the result of the collaboration between Instruō & the Eurorack omniscient Divkid and is a module that packs 8 analogue LFOs into just 4HP.
He did it again and this time even with others. This time, the collaboration doesn’t happen with Befaco from Spain but with the hardworking developers of Instruō. ochd is a new analogue modulation module that packs 8 triangle LFOs in just 4HP but with a clever and musical approach.
Instead of offering control over the 8 individual LFOs, these are free-running that start fast at the top and end up slow at the bottom. Interesting is here that they are no synced or in ratio to one other. The idea behind this module is that they want to try to avoid the classic repetitions of LFOs but instead they give us drifting modulation to keep things moving.
Being 100% analogue, the LFO’s will phase organically with the ability to ebb and ow together with their global frequency control. The module doesn’t offer individual knobs for each LFO but only one rate control knob at the top that controls the rate for all the LFOs at once.
The rates of the LFOs are also different here because each LFO works differently. The top out can go just about into audio rate, the bottom output down to crazy 25-minute cycles. With CV control you can go even lower. This shows how different these 8 LFOs are. It offers also a single CV input with an attenuverter that allows you to track and hold the LFOs like freezing them with a gate. According to the developers, it’s also possible to patch an LFO back into it to back to make a bit of waveshaping.
After his first module Mutes, this is again a very helpful module. This shows once again that “non-developers” like DivKid have very exciting ideas for modules that help musicians. In my opinion, developers should listen more to musicians, experts, etc., because they often have different ideas for modules.
- 8 independent, un-synced free running analogue triangle LFO’s
- Wide frequency range across the oscillators (160Hz to 25 minute cycle time, this goes much lower with CV)
- CV controllable global rate with attenuverter
- Track and Hold capabilities using negative CV to stall oscillator cores
- Bipolar LED display for each LFO
- Self patchable for complex waveshaping
- 4hp, 32mm depth
- Power consumption // +12V 80mA, -12V 80mA
Instruo Modular ochd is available now for £139.00 worldwide.
More information here: Instruo Modular
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