The song Roboter by Kraftwerk is an excellent example of how to use a vocoder in sound design and music production. Unfortunately, analog vocoders have become scarcer, so more digital or software vocoders are available today on the market. With the VC340, Behringer has recently introduced an analog string/vocoder Synthesizer, which sounds very good and is on top very affordable. For those who would like to have something special and enjoy to assemble it yourself, there is now a new analog vocoder available.
Hoerold published recently the plans of the 18-channel analog stereo vocoder and formant system, a new DIY Vocoder in the rack format. One thing you should know: this is a not simple DIY project. You need very good soldering skills to finish the project.
At The Heart Of The Vocoder: The Channel Filter Board
The analysis/synthesis channel board is based on a standard 8-pole multi-feedback bandpass filter topology. For accuracy and temperature stability, resistors from the E48 series and SMD capacitors (size 1206 or 0805) with C0G/NP0 dielectric are used. A total of 18 boards cover a frequency range from 120 Hz to 7 kHz.
- analog vocoder
- 18 channels
- 8-pole multi-feedback bandpass filter topology
- filter bank
- stereo output
- cross-patching
- slew/freeze
- silence bridging
The developer has an active threat on the Muffwiggler forum where gives additional information like a feature comparison chart to other vocoders.
An official price is not known. People who are interested can order many parts from the manufacturer (PCB Set 450€, enclosure 66€,…) as well as from Mouser (512€) or from you favorite retailer. Sure is: you have to spend more than 1000€ for it and take a lot of time.
More information here:
Da muß man sich aber schon mal ’nen Nachmittag freinehmen, um den zusammenzulöten 🙂
I guess you meant … The developer has an active THREAD 🙂 on the Muffwiggler forum where gives additional information like a feature comparison chart to other vocoders …