Tek’it Audio released today a effect plugin. Oru is a high quality wavefolder distortion plugin for Windows and Mac. I’m happy to hear that Tek’it releases more and more plugins for both platforms. Initially the company was only focused on Windows plugins but now they release more and more plugins for Mac also.
Manipulate the harmonic spectrum to add this little extra, or go heavy into a folded distortion fury by adding bias and doubling the distortion stages. Oru offers powerful wave folding distortion, well suited to distort your synthesizer sounds. Ready to create amazing textures even from a simple sine wave. The interface features a “Mix” control for blending the original sound with the sound of Oru, an “Output Gain” control with auto-gain to keep your level under control and a limiter stage to drive your distortion even further.
Features of Oru
- High quality wave folding distortion.
- Folds and Bias controls.
- 2 stages mode.
- Mix and output gain controls.
- Switchable Auto gain.
- Switchable gain stage clipper.
- Value readout on each knob.
- Bypass switch.
- x16 Oversampling.
- Support any sample rate.
- 64-bit internal processing.
- Full MIDI automation support.
- Preset manager, rename, save, load presets and banks.
- Works in mono or stereo.
- Up to 16 presets per bank.
Oru is now available to purchase for an introductory price of 19€ /$29 USD until March 31st in VST and AU format. (Regular 29€ / $39 USD)
More Informations here: Tek’it Audio Oru Wavefolder
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