NAMM 2022: Dreadbox intros two new pedals: Treminator: a new tremolo with CV connectivity and Raindrops a new stereo delay.
Many electronic musicians know Dreadbox from Greece because of their very nice analog synthesizers. What some people often forget: the beginnings of Dreadbox were in effect pedals, and only later came synthesizers and Eurorack modules.
There are no new synthesizer announcements from Dreadbox for NAMM 2022. They already announced them at Superbooth 22. But in Anaheim, they are showing two new pedals.
Dreadbox Treminator
Treminator is a new single input/output (mono) expressive tremolo pedal. It offers a multi-wave LFO that can be modified using the shape control. Then, you have controls for the rate, fade, and depth. It also has an on/off and tap tempo footswitch with an additional switch that sets the division (I, II, III).
Thanks to its modular interface, the Tremolator effect can be played very expressively either with an expression pedal that supports CV or with a modular synth. You get a VCA input that controls the volume, a mappable CV input, and a CV output that outputs the LFO. So you can use the LFO signal also in your modular synth.
Dreadbox Raindrops
Raindrops is a new flexible true stereo delay with hands-on control. It features three different delay types:
- modulation delay with control over LFO
- delay + reverb for huge sounds
- pitch delay with different routing options (feedback…) that is capable to generate shimmering sounds.
The pedal has controls for the time, mix, feedback, and “control”. The latter changes depending on which delay program is selected. Plus, you get two footswitches, one for the switching on/off the pedal and another one for tap tempo.
Connection side, the pedal has two mono inputs and two mono outputs making it a true stereo pedal.
First Look
Two interesting pedals, with the Raindrops stereo delay being the more exciting for Synthesizer players.
Dreadbox Treminator will be available for $199 USD and Raindrops stereo delay for $249 USD. Both pedals will come later this year.
More information here: Dreadbox
was wondering what had happened to the delay
I had seen earlier this year on the dreadbox website, that they were going to release a second version of their hypnosis multi-FX and available in 2022. No news since.
New Version updates
– More reliable push buttons with Red LED instead of White
– New micro controller and DAC convertors with updated Firmware for smoother operation
– Reworked Analog Signal for noiseless experience
I really like what some of these boxes can do, but the asymmetrical design and clashing colors are so ugly I can’t bring myself to buy any of them.
I love these designs, even though they aren’t very aesthetic, they would look great on my pedalboard