Psycox Syncussion SY-1M is a faithful reproduction of the iconic Pearl drum synth from late 1970’s and available again as DIY kit.
Good news comes from Psycox today. The developers have today announced that their Syncussion SY-1 clone is available again as a DIY kit. It was sold out for quite a long time but now it’s ready for order.
The SY-1M kit is a faithful reproduction of an extremely versatile drum synthesizer from the late 1970’s. With 6 Oscillator Modes per channel, it is capable of a wide range of sounds, from the classic 70’s disco “peeoww” to tight bells, thunderous Kick drums and Gnarly Bass sounds.

This clone includes the original CV and trigger inputs but also per channel MIDI-controlled triggering, pitch and decay. This greatly expands the possibilities and makes it more flexible.
SY-1M kit contains 2 Printed Circuit Boards, a Powder Coated and Screen Printed Steel Case, 16 Slide potentiometers, 16 Slider Caps, 8x BCM857 Dual Matched Transistors, 47uH RF Choke (necessary for the power supply filter) and a pre-programmed ATMEGA328.
Syncussion SY-1M by Psycox is available now for £212.50 including VAT. Shipping takes up to 14 days and costs £20 to the UK, £25 – £35 to EU and rest of the world including US £45 – £60 (reduced shipping rates for multiple purchases.
More information here: Psycox
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