Grab the Boz Digital Labs Mongoose stereo imager plugin for PC & Mac with a massive 80% OFF discount for limited time!
Plugin Boutique has launched an exclusive sale on the Mongoose, a stereo imager plugin by Boz Digital Labs. Mongoose lets you solidify your low end by collapsing bass frequencies to mono. he clear, simple layout makes it so it couldn’t be easier to dial in the exact sound you need.
It takes all those wide low frequencies and puts them right in the middle where they belong. The result is a low end that translates better to headphones and 2.1 systems, and just provides a tighter, more natural sound overall.
This plugin really couldn’t be any easier to use than it is. Just set your crossover frequency, and everything below that is summed to mono. You can also fine tune how wide the stereo image is by adjusting the width knobs. This is the kind of plugin that should automatically be on every master bus.
Boz Digital Labs Mongoose for Windows and Mac (VST/AU/AAX/RTAS) is now on sale for $9 USD until October 15h, 2018.
Available here: Mongoose
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