In addition to software plugins, there are also Rack Extensions that works exclusively in Propellerhead Software Reason. After introducing VST one believed in the slow death of RE but it’s not. Furthermore come out interesting new releases such as the ES-01 Analog Synthesizer by Ekssperimental Sounds. The ES-01 emulates here in a modern way the iconic Yamaha CS-01 analog Synthesizer by adding new features to the existing engine. The rack extension adds per example sub-oscillator, unison as well as polyphony.
While the hardware which the ES01 is based on was originally marketed as an entry-level synth, it is still a popular tool of many professional artists for its ease of use in getting great sounds, particularly leads and bass lines.
The ES01 is not a 1:1 emulation – it also has additional features like Sub Oscillator, Unison and last but not least, Polyphony. The Touch Data Programmer with its Global Settings and modulation matrix together with the CV connectivity of the Reason Rack gives ES01 massive tweaking possibilities. This all makes the ES01 unique and quite capable of producing many classic analog synth sounds like fat basses, vibrant pads, synthetic arpeggios and leads that cut through the mix.
- VCO with 5 waveforms including triangle, sawtooth, square, rectangle, and PWM.
- Feet Selector from 32′ to 4′ with “WN” (white noise) setting.
- Sub Oscillator with selectable waveforms (-1 or -2 octaves) including noise.
- VCO/Sub Oscillator mixer.
- VCF with default 12 dB/octave filter and option for 24 dB/octave slope.
- LFO with 5 waveforms including sine, triangle, saw, square and random.
- Glissando with options for “stepped” or “smooth” transitions between notes.
- ADSR Envelope Generator.
- Prerouted Breath Control.
- Touch Data Programmer with 16 slot modulation matrix (divided into two pages).
- Wide sounding unison.
- Polyphony (16 voices, 8 voices with unison engaged).
- Analog Drift and Noise settings on the back panel.
- Pitch Bend range of +/-24.
- Optional extended ranges for VCF, LFO, PWM Speed, and Mod Wheel.
- Tempo Sync options for LFO and PWM.
- CV Inputs: Gate, Note, Mod Wheel, Pitch Bend, BC, 4 assignable.
- CV Outputs: LFO, 4 assignable.
- Over 300 presets.
The ES01 Analog Synthesizer for RE for Reason is now available at 25% OFF through March 31st, 2018, priced at 59€ (regular 79€)
More information here: ES-01 for Rack Extension
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