Back on NAMM 2017, MALEKKO Heavy Industry announced three different groove boxes based on a hybrid concept (analog/digital) . After this event, it was quiet around this instruments. On this year’s Tokyo Festival Of Modular, I had the chance to check out one of the first working units. The MANTHER will be the first release and will be an analog monophonic Synthesizer with a very complex and creative sequencer.
It’s based on the CEM3340 VCO, found in a lot of classic analog Synthesizers (Prophet 5, Roland SH-101 or Moog Memorymoog…) The filters are based on the famous CEM3320 chips found in the Sequential Circuits Pro One, Prophet 5 or in the Oberheim OB-8. MANTHER is powered by one oscillator which is controllable via the source mixer where you have access to square, triangle, sine, tri shape, noise and sub levels.
MANTHER is not just an ordinary monophonic Synthesizer but can do much more. With a very large selection of ports, it allows users to fully integrate it into the modular world. With some clever parameter automation features, MANTHER can be also used as drum machine.
Check out our first look & short sound demo of the Malekko MANTHER from Tokyo Festival Of Modular.
More information here: MALEKKO Heavy Industry
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