Flintpope released this week LOFI REFILL, a new loops pack for the Drumlines Reaktor 6 instrument. It includes 4 sets of 24 musical drum loops that play against each other to create complex, textured beats. Check below for the full news.
To use, just open DRUMLINESxLOFI.ens in the REAKTOR INSTRUMENT in the download folder and hit the Space Bar on your computer to play. Everything’s loaded. You get 96 two-bar loops in WAV format at 120 bpm. You can happily downtempo to 105 and up to 140 before artifacts, and there are various FX (see below) to further randomise your mix. You also get 16 presets as a starter: create unlimited presets of your own.
The total possible combinations of loops is 96 x 96 (9216 variations) and that’s not factoring-in mute or solo into the possible arrangements. You don’t need to worry that your beats will sound like anyone else’s. DRUMLINES suits live performance or can be used in your DAW. If multiple instances are used in the latter please re-load a fresh copy separately (don’t just copy track) to avoid a Reaktor loop meltdown. LOFI REFILL.
The LOFI REFILL is now available for $3.60 USD and requires Reaktor 6 full version.
Available here: LOFI REFILL
Available here: LOFI REFILL
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