Good news about the Saffron Saturator and Buttercup Bitcrush IOS effect apps. Both applications got a massive update with AUv3 support which allows to use it now in multiple instances of your music production.
Available here: Saffron Saturator
Available here: Buttercup Bitcrush
Saffron Saturator is a filter drive, distortion and saturation effect.
Buttercup Bitcrush is a general purpose bit-crusher, sample-rate reduction & noise effect.
What’s New in Version 2.0
Saffron Saturator and Buttercup Bitcrush are the first of the Flora project to receive the 2.0 treatment to rebuild infrastructure, focusing on improving stability, user experience and audio quality.
Also included in this update:
- AUV3 Support
- Preset saving (Bonus: Saved presets are accessible from AU Hosts)
- Massive perfomance upgrades to both the audio processing and user interface. (Saffron Saturator idles at less than 1% on iPad Air 2).
- Reduced download footprint
- Improved stability
- Enhanced support system.
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