Superbooth 23: Instruo has introduced àradh and tágh, a new feature-rich filter and multi-function modulation module.
The Superbooth 23 will bring together the worldwide Synthesizer development scene. From small to big players, many products will be presented here.
Scottish Eurorack company Instruó, headed by the developer Jason Lim, will also have a booth. This year they are showing two new modules.
Instruo àradh and tágh
Instruó will also be in Berlin this year. They are showing two new modules at the Superbooth 23:
The first is a new filter module. àradh (6HP) is Instruó’s take on a classic transistor self-resonating ladder filter and the successor to the lowpass filter tràigh. The new module will have the same traditional features of tràigh but also many new ones. It adds a VCA with pre or post-filter routing options, an envelope follower, and a comparator gate.
àradh also includes a strike input with variable decay time and a plethora of user-definable voltage-controlled parameter combinations. So you get a lowpass filter with an East and West Coast style flavored feature set. Further, the internal envelope follower can also act as a dynamics processor for noise gating, compressing, and limiting.
The Instruō tágh is a new “Swiss Army Knife” modulation source. It features a plethora of different functions, including an analog sample and hold, a white noise generator, a digital random voltage generator, a morphing LFO, and a probabilistic trigger generator. All this is topped with a unique phase-adaptive tap tempo functionality.
Pretty deep is the digital random voltage generator. It hosts six random algorithms including classic stepped random, repeatable stepped random, chaos, LFO, probability-synced LFO, and downsampled LFO.
First Impression
Two compact modules with a wide range of functions. The modulation module particularly stands out with its creative feature set.
The new modules will be available soon. Istruo àradh will cost £329 and tágh £269.
More information here: Istruo Modular
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