KORG updated Gadget for iOS to v.3.6 and partnered up with Propellerhead Software to release Stockholm, a gadgetized version of the famous Dr. Octo Rex Loop Player!
When we heard that Propellerhead Software released Europa Synthesizer as a VST / AU plugin, we were very surprised. Now it continues with the next surprise. Propellerhead Software partnered up with the Japanese developer KORG and released Stockholm, their best-known Dr. Octo Rex Loop Player as an version for Gadget (macOS/iOS). What you would quickly overlook is the fact that Stockholm so Dr. Octo Rex Loop Player will be also available as an VST/AU plugin for macOS in the future because all gadgets exist also as mac plugin.
So the company goes one step further away from the classic Reason environment and offers one of their classic products now also for macOS plugin /iOS. For me a good decision! Beside this new Swedish gadget, KORG also updated the Space FX in Vancouver and improved the workflow of Gadget for iOS with better MIDI external sync.
KORG Gadget offers a collection of more than 30* different synthesizers and drum machines called “Gadgets.” These gadgets were designed to assist the user to produce powerful electronic music. The latest version features universal support not only for the iPad, but also for the iPad Pro and the iPhone. The painstaking attention that KORG has given its hardware instruments for more than fifty years has now taken shape as cutting-edge software in the Gadget. It’s the ultimate all-in-one music production studio app.
New In Gadget For iOS V.3.6
- Stockholm by Reason : Stockholm by Reason is a gadgetized version of the Dr. Octo Rex Loop Player.
- MIDI External Sync behavior has been improved.
- Vancouver gadget SPACE FX APOLLO has been improved.
- Fixed an issue that crashes when iCloud Drive files are deleted.
- Other enhancements to make Gadget easier to use.
Stockholm by Reason is a gadgetized version of Dr. Octo Rex Loop Player from Reason by Propellerhead Software, which allows you to load a total of 8 Rex files and switch between them in real-time. You can make arrangements by simply loading multiple drum or guitar loops into the player and freely switching between them. It is also possible to create new beats by triggering slices in any way you like.
New In Gadget V.1.6 For MacOS
- Stockholm by Reason* : Stockholm by Reason is a gadgetized version of the Dr. Octo Rex Loop Player available in Reason 10.
- Other enhancements have been made to make Gadget easier to use.
Stockholm is now available as an in-app purchase in KORG Gadget for iOS for an introduction price of $9.99 USD instead of $14.99 USD. KORG Gadget is now on sale with an 50% OFF discount for $19.99 USD (iOS) and $149 USD (macOS).
More information here: KORG
Available here: KORG Gadget for iOS
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